Saturday, May 22, 2021

Meanwhile, on Mars....


NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) captured a dramatic image last month of Curiosity ascending Mont Mercou, a landform on the slopes of the Red Planet's 3.4-mile-high (5.5 kilometers) Mount Sharp.

MRO took the picture on April 18 using its High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) instrument, which can resolve features as small as a coffee table on the Martian surface. So the car-sized Curiosity is plainly visible, even though MRO was flying 167.5 miles (269.4 kilometers) above the rover at the time.


  1. I am impressed by what we can do, the technology! This is really something...

  2. Imagine what we can do when imaging Earth...from space. They can tell time from your watch, from up there.

    1. Or if you're wearing a facemask, LL.

    2. All the technology these days!
      They have automated license plate readers and data storage systems so they can keep track of where you've been, facial scan technology to keep track of where you are after you leave your car, robots that scan the web looking for where you went and what you've said and that's just Faceboook/Google! :-)
      Ya, not real funny but it is real... the technology today.

      I read a piece yesterday that made the case that drones on the battlefield (modern technology) had changed warfare as much as giving the infantry firearms had. The author used the example of Azerbaijan using drones (purchased from Israel & Turkey) to defeat the Armenian ground forces. With all the drones they couldn't hide...

      But I'm still impressed with the technology that allows me to have a photo from the ground on a different planet as my screen saver!

    3. Oh ya, the article I read...

  3. It’s the first color photo from Curiosity (or at least part of it — the whole thing is really wide)! According to NASA, this image is “only one-eighth the potential resolution of images from this camera.” But for now, it’s just good to see they remembered to remove the lens cap.

    for more information go to At&t Contact

  4. Should have used that camera in epsteins cell
