Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Looks useful



  1. Everyone should ahve 3....2 high range and 2 low range.

    Two is one and one is none....

  2. If you "need" it, it's too late.

  3. I built one in High School in the Mid-'50s for a physics class project. Found the plans in either a Popular Mechanics or Popular science. I got the workings at a local radio components store and I actually got a very small sample of low-grade radio-active material to demo the Geiger counter from some Chemical company. They sent it through the USPS.

  4. When I was a boy, I had a Gilbert Chemistry Set and a Gilbert Microscope Set.

    1. Me too. Medal case, fold open with small glass containers that held small amounts of great chemicals like Sulphur and Potassium Nitrate . I think it even had a vial with some Mercury. Once I got my hands on the alcohol fueled Bunsen burner the house never smelled the same again.
