Saturday, May 22, 2021

Double Heh



  1. Traveling the interstate in the slow lane, I guess I wasn't going fast enough for the clown behind me. He tried to go through me. In the mirror I saw his hood crumple. Then as he backed off, I saw his front bumper barely hanging on. I slowed to pull over and he slowed too. But he bolted off the offramp. I watch as he ran over his own bumper after it finally gave loose. Whatta maroon.

    Since I had pulled over and was stopped, I thought I should look at my bumper. Not even a scratch. I honestly couldn't tell see where he had hit me. Dodge bumpers FTW.

  2. I've installed a trailer hitch, ball mount, and ball on every car & truck I've owned. Minor taps in stop and go traffic where the car behind gets out of sync don't end well for the other guy.

  3. I have stopped at the grocery store where I pulled through the parking spot since it was empty. I was only inside about 15 minutes as I was picking up a prescription. When I came out I had a Honda bumper on my trailer hitch very similar to the one above but in blue.

  4. Assistant scout master in Huntsville had a microbus with railroad tie bumbers and 60000000000000 candlepower headlights recessed behind them. I won't say he went out of the way looking for jerks but they knew it when they found him.
