Saturday, February 13, 2021

A worker paints the Golden Gate Bridge with a fresh coat of its iconic orange colour, chosen to help the bridge stay visible in San Francisco’s famous fog, 1956.



  1. My Dad's ashes were scattered off of the stern of the Fireboat Phoenix into the water near the left edge of this picture.
    Love ya, Dad.

  2. That made the starfish pucker...

  3. "Orange Paint Good". Democrats in San Francisco LOVE it.

  4. A little before my time, but that is what I do.
    Although we do it a bit different these days!

  5. The story I heard was that the structural steel came in a zinc chromate primer and this color was retained because the bridge designer wanted a bright color for aesthetic reasons and the shipping industry wanted the bridge to be conspicuous in foggy conditions.

  6. Back when San Francisco was a neat place to visit. I just hope that Old Timer did not live to see it go down the toilet. Literally speaking.

    1. San Francisco's big issue is that its problems aren't going down the toilet, they're going onto the sidewalk instead.

  7. Story I heard was that a new breed of seagull with an orange "cap" was appearing in the SF Bay.....turns out one of the bridge painters was bored so he was trapping seagulls in a noose, painting the tops of their heads, and letting them go....after some time, the "new breed" started showing up....
