Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Hope he doesn't wake up



  1. Hollywood gets the vaxx... whether it wants it or not.

  2. Well that explains all the roaring.

    1. Is that where they put the electroshock on his sack?

  3. It's hard to tell from the picture what exactly is going on here, but the lion appears to be tied down to the patient table of a CT scanner. (...CAT scan. Get it? Never mind.)

    Poor thing. I hope he is okay.

  4. The cowardly lion is getting prepped for a colonoscopy by Doctor Garland.

  5. That is a interesting pic, look at the design of the legs and hips which seems almost human like.

  6. That is the table for a CT scanner. I suspect the MGM facade is photoshopped into the image ecause the gantry with the hole in the middle is not perfectly flat and always has digital displays and control buttons on it. Several decades ago I worked for a mobile imaging company....CT scanner in a semi trailer. One of our clients was an exotic animal vet hospital. Among the many "patients" I have scanned was a Bengal tiger....not full grown but still quite large. And of course we'll sedated.
