Saturday, July 18, 2020

Berkeley City Council Slashes Police Budget 50% – No More Traffic Stops

Woo - Hoo!  Traffic should be oh - so - fun in the land of the Progressives now!

The city council in Berkeley, California, on Wednesday voted for radical changes for policing the community, including slashing the budget by 50 percent and pulling cops off the traffic beat.
The 8-0 vote, including one abstention, also removes police from homeless and mental health responses, funds an independent analysis of police calls, and creates a “community safety committee” to implement the changes.
At a certain point, these policies will cause so much crime and chaos that solid, law abiding people will take the law into their own hands, if they aren't able to vote the morons out of office.  That's the point when the criminals will meet some very rough justice.  The politicians will be very lucky if they don't join the bad boys on the gallows.


  1. When there are no cops, the punishment for every crime is death.

    1. ignorant of history, those desiring this will regret it. the LE's are the only thing keeping us very pissed off citizens away from those with criminal intent. not with so much open prairie and a backhoe available. one could say, recidivism would definitely decline.
      evidence Lewiston, Montana around 1906, via my Montana history prof's first person account to the class in 1966.
      a couple of thugs from chicago arrived by train and quickly robbed the local bank. then they took the corner room of the hotel across the street and began partying. a group of citizens, shop owners, bank employees, farmers, and cattlemen got their winchesters out and blew the room apart. the still bleeding bodies-still alive- were thrown into a cattle car of the chicago slaughterhouse bound train leaving that afternoon. it is not recorded if they made it that far. funds found in the room were returned to the bank which financed repairs to the hotel. sundry citizens went about their lives. the county sheriff was notified.
      understand, there were no police, town marshal, or even town sheriff in Lewiston at that time. thus endith the lesson in law enforcement as was done early last century.
      do we want to go back to that? be very sure about what you ask for as you may get it. can you imagine the aftermath of a contentious traffic accident? or what happens when someone deliberately holds up traffic or preforms some other odious act perceived by others as a deadly insult? Road rage today would look like a calm discussion of the facts of the matter.

    2. But no recidivism! No one for a Liberal Judge to kick loose without bail or for time served.
      Innocents would die, but the perf would get one bite of that apple.

      Everyone would be armed (not at first, but quickly) and remember ...
      An armed society is a polite society.

  2. Headline: Berkley Meter Maids respond to report of a mass-shooter. Final tally, 15 dead Meter-Maids. Shooter nowhere to be found On a positive note: Before the deadly incident 40 parking tickets were issued.

  3. People will form Vigilance Committees and handle the matter locally.

  4. They won't be able to do anything about crime but traffic problems they will "solve" by banning autos. They might even ban trucks assuming the drivers will just pack the goods in on their backs.

    1. Oh, they've plenty of wet-ba - err, criminal alie - umm, peacefu - err, hardworking immigrants of slightly brown but still politically correct color to bring in the goods.

  5. "Community safety committee" - I can only assume they'll be reporting direct to the Stasi?

    1. In Revolutionary France...just before the heads began to was the Committee of Public Safety...History may not repeat itself but it does rhyme.

  6. Mad Max beyond Thunderdome coming to a city near you

  7. I keep saying to myself, "What can't go on forever, will have to stop".
    But when?

  8. The idiots that author and enact ideas like these do it because they feel insulated from the consequences. Eventually they will learn that they are not but the question remains as to how much damage will be done first.

  9. Fine. Just don't bother running to Uncle Sugar with your hand out demanding $$$ to clean up your mess.

    To rephrase: you broke it; you fix it.

  10. WTF?.....nobody hates being stopped by a traffic cop more than me.....however, I do understand that it is because of me, and other like minded individuals, that they are necessary...

  11. Lack of traffic cops will make the roads SAFER.
    This has been documented every time the cops have gone on "strike", and stopped issuing speeding tickets. Seems drivers spend some of their time and energy looking for cops, even when not speeding, and not enough watching traffic around them. When that enemy has left the field, people pay more attention to what is going on around them, hence there are less accidents. Then, when the cops return to work, the accident rate also returns to "normal". So, the story that the cops keep the roads safe has been proven to be a myth.

    1. will, your thoughts have merit. however the merit lies in the past before cell phones and mobile audio/video studios we call car entertainment centers. attentiveness to what ever activity is most important to the vehicle operator is what will get the attention of the operator. agreed, some who want to run fast will be doing their thing. for many, it is not what is happening around their vehicle. there is no such thing as multitasking in a vehicle moving at more than a walking pace and even then it is doubtful. it's attention going to split with music, video, texts, emails, porn, plain phone conversations or a blowjob from a passenger. with no eminent threat of the PD breathing on their neck, it may get worse if anything.
