Friday, July 31, 2020

Projected Temperature Here Today: 102


  1. Keep thinking cool thoughts

  2. That's a very satisfying picture. I've spent a good amount of time hiking/camping above 10,000. The sky so clean something miles distant looks just a few feet away, so deep blue it's breathless, capped by a more brilliant sun.

    In the 1980s I was part of field research with USGS at Mammoth Mountain. In the winter of '83 a Forestry Ranger had died in his sleep when he entered into a snow bound cabin. The outgassing of the magma rising up to .8 km below the surface got him. Because of the snow, the gasses were trapped in the cabin.

  3. Spent 4 days on the PCT near Mammoth in ‘87. Nights so clear the stars seemed to press down on us. Paradise!
