Thursday, April 23, 2020



  1. A common feature of the granite of Yosemite is the rock face is not flat but somewhat sloped. It really is a segment of an arc even though minute. So small is the arc that it is not readily discernible unless viewing a giant slab. What is shown is the gal sitting on a faintly curved surface (towards the valley floor) with diminished friction because of the snow. Too, a horz. surface usually is covered with loose granules of decomposed granite. People fall to their deaths in Yosemite quite regularly doing exactly what this gal is doing.

    Several times I have pulled tourists or even experienced hikers back from the edge as they crept closer, ever closer to the edge as they tried to see to the bottom. But the rock surface is rounded and one becomes easily too far gone past the vertical before they know it. Yosemite is stupendous with amazing views everywhere you look. But it's not for clowning around for the consequences are usually severe.


  2. Sitting at the edge of eternity...
