Sunday, April 26, 2020

Slow Joe Biden Covers Himself With Glory Once Again

He said, “Mark my words, I think he is going to try to kick back the election somehow, and come up with some rationale why it cannot be held.”
He's been in the government at high levels for decades, but Slow Joe has no clue.  Let's consider how the presidential election works.
Elections are managed by the states and not the federal government under Article Two. The date of the presidential election is set by federal law and not subject to an executive order. Even war or martial law does not suspend the date of the presidential election. Since 1845, Congress has mandated that the presidential election be held the Tuesday after the first Monday in November every four years. In order to change that date, Trump would have to have both chambers of Congress vote to do so.
Finally, any delay in the election would also collide with the 20th Amendment, which extinguishes the power of the prior president at noon on January 20. Even if Trump persuaded Congress to delay the election past January 20th, his term still constitutionally ends on that date unless he is reelected. In other words, Trump cannot stay in office past that date unless he's lawfully re-elected.
It speaks volumes that either Biden is this clueless about the law - this is his third run for the highest office - or he is this shameless about lying to the electorate, counting on the fact that no one understands how the process works and will therefore believe his blatant lies.  
Which is it, Joe?  


  1. I remember those rumors before the last election but with Obama cxing the election. Just stirring the pot...

  2. As the blog father so often says:
    “Embrace the healing power of AND”.

  3. Northwoods Free ManApril 26, 2020 at 9:19 AM

    Unlike most citizens, the man has never paid any attention to the Constitution. Therefore it is not in his wheel house to even consider what it says or the implications therof.

  4. Biden is not the candidate, that is obvious. What is the scam and why are we being deceived? Not just about a candidate, but all else. An economic collapse shrouded in a mild flu?

    1. Slow Joe knows that when the campaigning stops, the investigations begin.

  5. Biden, slow, creepy & senile as he is, will surely be dropped at the conference, probably in favor of Cuomo (who is the only Dem with a chance against Trump)

  6. What's the big deal? Even if they hold the election and even if he miraculously wins then even if he makes it to the January 20th 2021 inauguration Michelle will be president on the 22nd.

  7. "The Constitution is a living document. We need to be flexible." thought every prog libturd always.

  8. He misunderstood his Chinese housekeeper saying "Trump having trouble with erection"....

  9. Mark my jibber jabber, I will not allow President Truman to do the...the... thing. No mal...the malarkey starts here.
