Thursday, April 30, 2020

Gestapo Gretchen: To the Russian Front with you, virus boy.


  1. does anyone else see Greta Thunberg, 30 years from now, in this picture?

  2. Typical progressive control freak personified. Maybe a good case of Facial Ebola administered by a horney West African chimpanzee might change not only her appearance, but her attitude as well.

  3. She looks like she could kick your backside and take your balls as trophies and hang 'em on her fireplace... nuts roasting over an open fire.

  4. Fuck that sag-titted pig bitch.

  5. Sorry, but every time I see Gov Halfwit I can only think of Natasha Fatale, the resemblance is so striking. All of her pronouncements sound off-the-wall, just like all of Boris and Natasha's plot twists with the moose & squirrel. Tune in next week, when the Governor of Frostbite Falls bans snowmobiles in summer!

  6. I'm Thrilled that that thing disapproves of me. I couldn't live with myself if she didn't. I can't wrap my head around just how many completely UnAmerican elected idiots exist today. I would really like to see some of these people publicly quizzed on the Constitution. How the hell can they Possibly pretect and defend something they know fukall about and don't grasp the concepts it is based on?
    Qualified example of Resting BitchFace

  7. She's much better than the proles. Just ask her. She'd like to be Biden's Queen.

  8. All this SPLIT-TAIL is missing is, the I fall down you "fuckme" mustache and shorter hair.

  9. The moose and squirrel reference cracked me up. But sadly, it's so appropriate.
    The people in Michigan, wake up! Vote this most unAmerican out of office or, in the alternative, let her run with Fingers Biden. He'd be happy with her and we'd be happier without her.
