Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Duke at Sea


  1. I don't remember that one... something new!

    1. Great movie - see if you can find it on one of the streaming services. I doubt you will be disappointed.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I gave away too much of the plot, but suffice it to say, Wayne plays a German sea captain at the beginning of WWII, who is chased hither and yon by the British, who are embarrassed at not capturing him right away. It's got Alan Hale, the skipper from Gilligan's Island, a very young James Arness, and Claude Akin, as well as, of course, Lana Turner.

    4. What's that movie where John Wayne plays a big lug, Lars or something, as crew on a tramp steamer? He is the innocent one and gets bushwacked then Shanghai'd. The ship captain and the pub keep were in cahoots to liquor up and supply cheap labor for the ship.

      John Wayne has been to sea in many a movie.


    5. Best of the lot should be a choice between "Blood Alley" and "Wake of the Red Witch".

  2. I saw it some years ago. Great film.

  3. Hi C.W.,
    'Saw the flick back when it came out in the mid 50's!!! I was in the 4th or 5th grade!! Me, my neighbor Georgie and his brother Michael got to go to the Saturday afternoon "Big Show!!" With our Box of popcorn we got to see the ACTION!!! I was about 9 or 10 years old!!
    About the same time frame, same theater, a new box of popcorn, "Robert Mitchum and Kurt Jergens in 'The Enemy Below!!!!!!'" Another "GOODIE!!!!"
    Blue skies,
    PS I can go on... Play on Gypsy's play on!!!
