Friday, April 3, 2020

Relax, it's just swamp gas


  1. Just some good ole boys...
    Never meaning no harm...

  2. meh, more swamp gas.

  3. Gerry Ford is rolling over in his grave....interesting how the shadows sync with the objects and they all disappear into the darkness at the same point.....if it's a fake, it's a well done fake, and I say bravo....question is, does this show evidence of the long rumored American base on the moon, or extraterrestrial presence?....

  4. The sand people. They are easily frightened, but will soon come back in force.

  5. I've been following this subject for years, always with a skeptical but open mind. This is among the best footage I have seen of this phenomenon. Over the years I have come to the conclusion that we are not alone in our own solar system, much less the universe.

  6. would not be surprised if yu get a visit from the 'Men in Black' sometime soon.

  7. That is incredible. It's the shadows the objects cast that impressed me most, and I have no idea how that could be faked.

    Yes, I agree: we are not alone!
