Saturday, April 4, 2020

Images from the family album: Alfred Out Harvesting

Interesting three horse team set up.

This one would be good to print large and frame.


  1. Excellent pictures! Great heritage. What part of the country is this?

  2. I love those old photos. They remind me so much of the ones that I have of my family. I just wish that more would have been labelled. It's very hard figuring out who a lot of the people were. Some we'll never know........

  3. Old pictures that identified the people, place & time are great.
    My Mom left an album with a lot of pictures of people, pre WW2 & from during the war, most were unmarked. The unmarked where undoubtedly memories for my Mom but there were just old pictures of people to me. I kept the ones I could identify who was there and digitized them with the IDs. The rest just went away.
