Friday, April 24, 2020

Five key facts are being ignored by those calling for continuing the near-total lockdown.

Some interesting information that seems to make sense

If this turns out to be true, many of the actions that the experts advised taking to fight off this virus will be shown to be wrong, based on modeling that started off with the wrong assumptions.  Trash in/Trash out.

Fact 1: The overwhelming majority of people do not have any significant risk of dying from COVID-19.

Fact 2: Protecting older, at-risk people eliminates hospital overcrowding.

Fact 3: Vital population immunity is prevented by total isolation policies, prolonging the problem.

Fact 4: People are dying because other medical care is not getting done due to hypothetical projections.

Fact 5: We have a clearly defined population at risk who can be protected with targeted measures.


  1. People are sheep and the deep state politicians are determined to destroy the economy and get rid of Trump who's a speed-bump on the road to a Global empire.

    1. "Anonymous" seems not to have heard about the Scandinavian plan for handling the pandemic.
      All of the 'points' quoted are based on Chinese data, which is worth spit.
      "In a years time_in quarantine" we will all be starving. But Joe Biden will be President, so we'll have that going for us.

  2. Of course it's not about Trump. US policies are broadly the same as the rest of the world. Do you imagine the rest of the world is on the conspiracy? FFS.

  3. 1 - This virus has different effects on different people but there is no way of telling how any given individual will react, so it's a bit like Russian Roulette.
    2 - It's not just older people who are at risk.
    3 - There is still no proof that having had the disease gives immunity. There are already cases of people having it for the second time elsewhere in the world.
    4 - Could be some truth in this, but not a significant number.
    5 - True in part.
    Personally I'd rather look back in a year's time and say I was over cautious than look back with regret because my loved ones have died.

    1. Tell that to my friend with the lump that her doc said was "on a scale of 1 h5 wit one being a benign lipoma, and 5 being an aggressive cancer, yours is a 4.

      She's been waiting since mid-Feb for that biopsy. If she dies from cancer, I'm sure your over-caution will be a huge relief to all of her loved ones.

      Also #1 Not true. If you've trashed your immune system, are geriatric, or obese, you're probably going to get very sick

      #2 True, but it's still very small number. Most of whom are probably not cowards.

      #3 The tests are a mess. False positives abound. Reinvention is still at urban legend levels.

      #4 Not hypothetical. People are being DNR-d for cardiac crises because of the lock-down, instead of being taken to hospital and treated. That we won't see the deaths from all the totally absent preventative care until several months down the road, doesn't make them any less real.

      #5 Finally something we agree on.

  4. fact n#6...if you are not laid off; having your business forcibly (and illegally) shut down; facing bankruptcy; and/or standing in a food pantry line; stfd and stfu

  5. Let's see what happens in Georgia. Significant increase in local traffic yesterday afternoon. N ATL suburbs.

  6. Let's see what happens in Georgia. Significant increase in local traffic yesterday afternoon. N ATL suburbs.
