Monday, April 20, 2020

Dangerous Beauty


  1. Seriously? She's not pretty. The outfit is "Say what?". Crazy.

  2. I rather thought she was pretty and rather well equipped, presumably with all that gear she might have some skill with it. Someone clever tell me if she has her Katana upside down? (should be blade upwards, wearing it as a Tachi?)

    1. She does have it on the appropriate armor-hanging style, blade down. Which is also more appropriate and easier to draw while riding a horse.

      It also depends on the era, the region, the wearer's preference.

      Blade 'up' as in worn out of armor is more appropriate for clothing-only wear, as it keeps the blade next to the body and makes for an easier draw in cramped quarters, as in a hallway or street.

      On the battlefield, or when mounted, the armor and/or the horse tended to get in the way of the 'blade up' draw, so a more 'normal' 'blade down' tended to be followed.

      Tended... that's the operative word.

  3. You won't know the skill level...either way...until it's too late. Yes, very dangerous beauty.

  4. Very impressive! Particularly since her most dangerous weapons aren't even showing.
