Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Summer sea ice is causing havoc for shipping in the Arctic. This is the same Arctic sea ice that climate change experts predicted would have vanished by 2013.

As Steven Goddard says, “party’s over for the Arctic melting scam.”

But the big story is the slowdown in melt rates since 2012.  The average June ice loss since 2012 is down 17% relative to the years prior to 2012.

Graphs at the link.


  1. That's why it's "Climate Chaos" nowadays. All their dire predictions have been disproven, so they claim the climate is going crazy and it's all the fault of Western Civilization.

    1. That's just because you want to embrace your inner Viking.

  2. Russians are saying it's back to early 70's ice conditions. Back when the 'consensus' was that we were entering into a new Ice Age.


    1. But, really, who trusts what Russians say...

  3. people need to get a grip when it comes to climate change. every 11,000 years or so, it warms up or cool down or it does both at the same time. this has been going on since before human history. even before dinosaur history...did they die because of dino caused climate change?? your guess is as good as any climatologists guess.
    people who think humans change earth climate need to answer this question. ever since humans began to have the tech to determine the surface temp of the planet Mars, it has been noted the Mars average temp and the Earth average temps have tracked together in lockstep with one another. how is that possible if Mars has no people? is it possible Mars and Earths climates have something physically in common? what could it be?? The sun?

    1. Mars doesn't have Al Gore. He also invented the Internet, you know.

    2. your correct. I conmpletely ignored the data on the hot air he generated. hard to believe his effect reaches across eight light minutes to affect the environment of Mars. does that mean there is internet on Mars, too?

  4. This is why Russians have Nuclear-Powered Icebreakers. The biggest one can Smash 30 Feet of Ice at 10 Knots without stopping.
