Saturday, March 3, 2018

Interesting. Especially given the heated political rhetoric currently in vogue here in the states.

A study of global mass-shooting incidents from 2009 to 2015 by the Crime Prevention Research Center, headed by economist John Lott, shows the U.S. doesn't lead the world in mass shootings. In fact, it doesn't even make the top 10, when measured by death rate per million population from mass public shootings.
So who's tops? Surprisingly, Norway is, with an outlier mass shooting death rate of 1.888 per million (high no doubt because of the rifle assault by political extremist Anders Brevik that claimed 77 lives in 2011). No. 2 is Serbia, at just 0.381, followed by France at 0.347, Macedonia at 0.337, and Albania at 0.206. Slovakia, Finland, Belgium, and Czech Republic all follow. Then comes the U.S., at No. 11, with a death rate of 0.089.


  1. If you added in Africa, Syria, and Latin America it puts the us somewhere around 200 on the list. They cherry picked Europe and North America.

  2. Let's keep it simple boys and girls - Gun Control is NOT about guns - it is about CONTROL ! Bottom Line - End of Story

  3. Facts, reason and logic have nothing to do with gun control. That's on purpose.

  4. in point of fact, far from being number one we are not even in the top one hundred and ten. that is the stats from our own FBI. get a grip people!
