Saturday, March 3, 2018

Can't have one law for one group of people, and another law for a separate class.

The  LA Times reported Friday that the Justice Department is reviewing the actions of Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, who last weekend alerted residents in advance of an Immigration and Customs Enforcement raid in Northern California.

Hey, those illegals are a huge voting constituency for the Democrats here in California, so of course they have to protect their people.  No matter that every illegal voter de facto disenfranchises a citizen.   Why doesn't the Justice Department file a suit against the state for that?

ICE accused Schaaf of putting politics above public safety, saying her decision to warn Oakland residents about this weekends raids was "no better than a gang lookout yelling police when a police cruiser comes to the neighborhood except she did it to entire community of the this is beyond the pale."
Schaaf told the LA Times that she stands by her decision...
"My statement on Saturday was meant to give all residents time to learn their rights and know their legal options," Schaaf said Tuesday in a statement. "It was my intention that one mother, or one father, would use the information to help keep their family together.
Some activists argued that the mayor's actions had unintended consequences, while others leapt to her defense.
"The main reaction that people have had has been fear, unfortunately," said Eleni Wolfe, immigration program director at Centro Legal de la Raza, an Oakland-based advocacy group, in an interview earlier this week. "It's terrifying to hear about the potential of increased enforcement action, and unfortunately that's the main message that they heard."


  1. It's OBSTRUCTION of justice, plain and simple. Where's Jeff Sessions? Lock her up!

  2. "It's terrifying to hear about the potential of increased enforcement action." Funny, that's what the bank robber said when he heard the police car siren.

    I'm very much hoping that this crazy-eyes mayor gets to stay in the Big House for a long spell. She deserves to.

  3. In my salad days when I was dating, eye's like that meant a special kind of crazy.

  4. We're entered an era where the spoiled brat children of the 1960's hippies have reached the critical mass stage of life. This babe's a perfect example.

  5. She's been hanging around Adam Schiff too long. Or maybe that's a blue pill effect.

  6. I can remember when the police threw a fit when motorists flashed their lights at other motorists to warn them of speed traps.
