Thursday, December 12, 2024

Turn around, go back to the cabin



  1. That's a 2024 Royal Enfield Continental GT650E5, registered on 24th August this year.

  2. ...or end up in the emergency room.

  3. Maybe he is heading home after a visit to town.

  4. Back in 2002 - 2003, I taught for a year at West Point. I lived in Cornwall-on-Hudson, on the far side of Storm King Mountain from the post. Sky was clear when I rode the 1100 in to work, but a Noreaster moved in while I was teaching Plebes world civ in Thayer Hall--which has no windows. I came out into a massive snowstorm. Being an idiot from Alabama, I cranked up the Yamaha and headed for the house. I made it, despite a pucker-factor of about 12.5, and discovered (when I tuned in the local news that evening) that I had ridden home through a bona fide blizzard.

    1. NYS Winter weather never fails to entertain. Went to school in Bflo and ended up staying. Lake effect for the win...

    2. I hope you drove 9W instead of taking 218, along the River. That road is hairy in the summer. Class of ‘94.

  5. "And that was the last time anyone saw Giles alive..."
