Monday, December 30, 2024

M1906 pistol against the background of its holster. 25 ACP


A handful of fun


  1. Indeed lots of fun. The one I was allowed to play with had to be pried from my grip.

  2. Love the purse. Just like Grandma twisted open when she added to the collection basket in church.

    1. Just like a woman's coin purse. Boy, did looking at that hasp remind me of my Mom dishing out money for the ice cream truck. A memory I hadn't thought of for almost 70 years.

  3. @ Unclezip
    as was the M03 in .32ACP: slightly bigger, heavier, and louder -all 'bout twice as much

  4. Upon showing my uncle (300+ pounder... great big ol boy) my 9mm said "you shoot me with that little thing, you better hope I don't hear about it".
    Probably best to read that with a slow Texas drawl.

  5. I have one of these. First gun that my wife used to learn to shoot.

  6. My mother has one of these in the purse. I clean it every 6 to 10 years.

    1. Good on ya! My Grandmother had one; but it was badly pitted from being in said purse by the time I got a hold of it.
      Boat Guy

  7. I have a Beretta Jetfire in .25
    almost 100% useless unless you are contact shooting your target.......

    1. the reason it's called a belly gun. I do like the tip-up barrel

  8. Be careful with a .25.
    If you ever hit someone, you might piss them off.

  9. I got a 1903 Colt Pocket 32. Bad sear, so the hammer would follow the slide without cocking. Got it for $50. Got it replaced, shot super and crazy, unlikely accurate. Traded it for a new glock 19. Wish I still had the sexy, sleek, little Colt.

  10. I have the similar Colt. Cute and ideal for those times you can't carry a gun.

  11. For all the bad talk about how it's such an ineffective caliber, .25ACP has sure killed a lot of people, most of them being actually shot by the damn thing.

  12. My dad gave one to my mom in the 50s. She didn't want it and it sat on the back counter of the radio and TV repair he owned at the time. The local dog catcher came in and wanted to by it. The dog catcher returned all chewed and and tried to return it a week later.
