Tuesday, November 26, 2024


Commission Earned


  1. 50cc is a good sized saw as I recall.

  2. I've got a smaller model and have moved up to STILS. Easier to keep running and just seem heavier built. Your milage may vary.

  3. Temporarily out of stock. typical move of a soy boi

  4. Soon not legal in commiefornia along with gas mowers, gas generators, gas anything. You can't hate these tyrants enough.

    1. Just another trip to Reno for me.

  5. Good saw, I've got that exact one. Not the cheapest but not the most expensive either. The 450 Rancher is right in the sweet spot size-wise. If you can snag one for $350 or less, it's in the sweet spot price-wise too!

  6. Replies
    1. Got a Husq walkbehind mower with a Honda engine. Best yard tool yet.

  7. I love mine but put an18" bar on it. Powerful but am so glad when it runs out of fuel so I can set it down. Not a saw for newbies. Better have some experience

    1. A big chain saw is going to mess you up worse than a small chain saw? I think a Harbor Freight plug in the wall electric chain saw can do the same thing to your leg that a 10 times the cost gasoline powered saw can and just as quick.... (faster than you can say "oops").
      I see a saw this size & I think about an Alaskan mill and making lumber..

  8. I got one when the big 'ol elm tree in the front yard tipped over one night. Thankful it didn't hit the house and my small chain saw just wouldn't (pardon the pun) 'cut it'. Excellent saw, but I almost always wear my kevlar chaps when I'm using it.
