Thursday, November 28, 2024

He's out there, somewhere....



  1. twice in my life i've had an experience that can only support this as fact. i've never tried to convince anyone, i've only stated what happened to me. i'm 70 and live in Illinois.

  2. Still #1 in my book for "Hide&Seek"!

    1. Absolutely. He hides so well that no one ever found any evidence of his existence. No live specimen, no dead ones either. They know how to hide even after death!

      Lizard people have to be a close second at hide and seek. They have been around since before the pyramids making all the decisions and guiding humanity on a path of evel. And yet no live or dead specimen was ever found!

      I could go on all day reciting names of other "mythological" creatures that the "scientific establishment" wants us to believe are fake but it is getting late for my daily dose of horse dewormer!

  3. "He's" out there, everywhere. Check out "The Facts By". He's a Canadian fishing and hunting guide. He's not a one issue guy. Also, he NEVER says "like, follow, subscribe". He only has "merch" because his wife initiated it and runs it, he hardly mentions it.
    People from all over the world email him with their experiences, he reads them, unedited. He says "Welcome to the club of no return.", because most people are affected to the point that, there is no returning to your precontact, world view. Lots of people admit to never going back into the woods, too afraid.
