Saturday, November 30, 2024

Reader Jim sent in this picture he took of the XB-70's bank of engines. Wow, what a line up of power! The power of thrust!


Thanks, Jim


  1. I remember seeing that plane in Ohio! Great museum and it's free too!

  2. Complete details re. the surviving XB-70 from the USAF Museum up at Wright-Patt in Dayton, 87 hi-res pix - . Incredible details on the June 1966 test flight and GE-powered aircraft photo op mid-air that destroyed the only other XB-70 - .

  3. Power to cruise over mach 2 at 70,000 ft.

  4. Now that's what I call a six pack!

  5. Thanks for posting it! I first visited that museum in 1975 and it is awesome. I took that picture right after it was brought back into the gallery after getting a power wash this summer.

  6. 30-06 average 2750 FPS...XB-70 fastest speed...2962.6 FPS.... 180gr VS 250 TONS...give or take a ton or two....
