Thursday, November 28, 2024

Great Lemon Crop This Year On Our Little Citrus Tree



  1. Living in Az., when word got out that you'd take the citrus, neighbors from all over would drop off their surplus harvest. Pomegranate people not so much.

  2. Envious. Planted 30 fruit trees 12 years ago. Only 6 surrived and not harvest yet. Looking like some future generation may eat from those trees. Not a bad situation either. BobT

    1. Here in Redding it freezes and even snows, so I have to take special care of the citrus, but this one is now, in its third year, putting out a decent crop. Hopefully this continues and the two lime trees and one mandarin do the same.

    2. CW, How in the wide, wide world of sports do you do that?

    3. I'm not doing anything other than making sure they are covered when it is near or below freezing. I've also got some old Christmas lights that generate heat, and I coil those up under the most vulnerable and plug them in. Otherwise, the trees do the rest, other than an occasional watering in summer.

  3. We got a million acorns free if you want to pick them up. Gotta be good for something.
