Friday, November 22, 2024




  1. I still remember the smell of those paper hulls from when I was a kid out pheasant hunting with my dad.....

  2. They're actually making a small comeback. The one area where they'd make sense- waterfowling- is the area they struggle the most (due to swelling/moisture intrusion). But I have a friend who only shoots paper out of his old guns- it's a fun affectation.

  3. There was a time when local hardware stores would open a box and sell individual shells. Grandpa supplemented the family income as a kid hunting for bounty and meat and couldn't ever afford a whole box of shells. I still have a few of his paper shells in my collection. I think about that a lot when a whole group of us goes down to the trap range and blows through a case of 12 gauge in one day. Those old paper shells are a reminder that previous generations moved us up in the world.

  4. In the 1950's we had a Firestone store in Coolidge, AZ. that even had .22's that you could buy in small quantities along with shotgun shells. I was so young I don't remember what other ammo was done that way but we only shot those two.
