Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Tough Boys



  1. It's a lot like American Football. Without equipment. And only one rule: no firearms.
    #13 is a league veteran. Look at his ear..... or what's left of it.

    1. The hits are harder in American football. If you try to make an “across the body, plant your shoulder in his gut” football tackle with no pads, you’ll dislocate your shoulder or break your collarbone. I played intramural rugby in college and it’s very difficult to break a lifetime of habits. That being said, rugby is definitely a man’s game.

  2. I played water polo. Played with many of the guys who went to the Olympics iver the years. Polo is like rugby often enough.

  3. Replies
    1. Impressive! It only took three words to show just how much of an ignorant bigot your are!
      That has to be a new record.

    2. A South African girl my wife worked with called soccer players 'The lawn fairies'.

    3. You should ask your "south african" wife then... These guys are not playing soccer... If she really is south african chances are she fucked someone who player rugby.
      BTW... south african wife is giving me a lot of canadian girlfriend vibes... Just sayin...

  4. Mmmm those muscly arms look like they would keep me warm at night…. Oops too Freudian. I need a light beer and to fire up the pellet smoker quick!
