Saturday, December 9, 2023

That stove will warm that room right up



  1. vertical stove. suck fuel like its free. good for places with constant traffic, like a general store or train depot.

    for home use, a more frugal horizontal stove isa better plan. you can stuff the firebox and let it slow burn all night.

    1. I see neither a damper on the stove pipe nor insulation on the roof. Nor a convenient place to put firewood next to the stove.

  2. Yeap, that will will need to be stoked 2-3 times during a long cold winter's night,,,,ask me how I know........??

    1. Ok, how do you know?

    2. . . . because, . . . there's no insulation, . . . [ look up at the ceiling of the cabin :) ]

    3. 12" of foam on top of the sheathing = R60.

  3. Don't need that around here today, got the windows open, a little Zeppelin spinning on the turntable & getting ready to put a big gumbo together.

  4. We'd stoke that thing until it glowed cherry red. We had a little dachshund, it liked to curl up right beneath it - I thought the thing would be cooked under there.

    1. Dachshunds are the best. They will automatically get up and move further from the stove when they are hot enough. Thus distributing the heat to other parts of the room. Then move back to the stove when they cool off. Totally automatic.

  5. We had one of these in the house I lived in from age 6 to 9. One winter day, I decided that the stove needed some more coal. I put a piece in, but it didn’t seem to do anything. So, I put another piece in, then another, and another…..eventually, I got bored and went back upstairs. About 30 or so minutes later, my Dad walked past the basement door and heard a weird whistling/roaring sort of noise. He opened the basement door and the basement was glowing with a white hot glow. He managed to damp the stove in such a way to bring it all under control. Then, he took his belt off and helped me understand why I was not allowed to mess with the pot bellied stove.
