Sunday, December 3, 2023

Please Exit



  1. Airline doors don't open out. They open into the cabin so that altitude the pressure differential makes them almost impossible to open.

    1. Thank you for your trenchant observation. Now, how about the door dimensions? Are those accurate? The swing angle of the lever? The uniform? Wouldn't the chair also be bolted down so it wouldn't fly out? We MUST KNOW that everything about this joke meme is STRICTLY accurate, from experts like you, so if there are inaccuracies, we can reject it, and not laugh as intended! Thank you, sir.

    2. Wait until Anonymous lights into Dan for neglecting to mention that at speed, the door would never make it open against the wind shear.
      That one's going to leave a mark.

  2. Hey Anonymous (2nd commenter), Ha ha! Whew- I'd hate to be on your bad side! [Also, I had to look up "trenchant"] HA HA HA HA!
