Sunday, December 10, 2023

My dad used one of these. Huge negatives equaled excellent grain.



  1. If you could afford one.

  2. My father had a Yashika camera similar to this one.

  3. Just loaded some 120 film in mine yesterday.

  4. A friend of mine gave me his Dad's. Too bad this one was manufactured for obsolete 620 film. Beautiful little machine though. Looks nice on the shelf.

  5. Bought one and a Mamiya Sekor C33 at the Exchange in Athens Greece while I was stationed there. I forget what I paid for the Rolli but the Mamiya was $100. 20 years later I sold them for much more than I paid for them.

  6. These were great. My friend bought one and we ran a ton of Plus-X through it. I had borrowed a Yashica 35 mm and used that for quite a while, also with mostly Plus-X and some Tri-X. I had a darkroom and an enlarger. My film tank had an adjustable reel for 16 mm, 35 mm, 120, and 620 size films. That was a lot of fun back in the 60s and 70s. At one time I borrowed a 4" by 5" Graflex Crown Graphic. Very nice camera, but lenses were a bit of a hassle. I used a Schneider, I don't remember the focal length. It was for landscapes and large images.

  7. I have one my sister gave me for Christmas years ago, sadly the advance got fubared and now I can't tell what frame the file should be at. And for the commenter that said 620 is obsolete go to Film Photography Project .com they have all sorts of old style file still available.

  8. Was so hoping this would have an amazon price strip underneath...!

  9. In those days, that was a medium format negative. Large format was 2" x 3", 4" x 5" or 8" x 10" standard for news was 4" x 5"!
