Monday, December 25, 2023

Jesus and the Outcast Woman at the Well


  1. Creates a feeling of the humanity as well as the divinity of Christ. Makes Him seem more accessable to us fallen creatures who are struggling to be good in a sin sick world.
    I haven't watched TV for 17 years, but I might check out this series based on this segment. The series done by Roma Downey a number of years ago was garbage but this looks good.
    Merry Christmas and blessings in 2024

    1. Strangely, I have a hard time not reacting very emotionally to this scene. Maybe because it illustrates the deep love of God reaching down to the least of us, and freely offering salvation for those who sincerely ask. Very moving. There's a church on Jacob's Well now, but the well is still deep, and still produces good clear water.

    2. Like you mention, CW, I also was hard struck emotionally by this scene, and a number of others depicted in "The Chosen." I highly recommend watching the entire series.

  2. Here's a collage of humorous scenes from the film:

    Rich is right - Jesus wasn't the mule-faced fundamentalist that so many of his followers tend to be.

  3. 2nd commandment violation for sure.

  4. An OUTSTANDING Series indeed. "The Chosen" on Prime. Hiighly Recommended!
