Monday, December 4, 2023




  1. Mama and sonnyboy.
    Don't chew on that wire nah.

  2. This reminds me. Ever wonder why letters of the alphabet are referred to as either upper case or lower case?

    In the days of yore, a printer who was setting up a document to be printed, whether for a newspaper or a book, would have wooden trays in the "lower case") lying flat on the table. The tray was divided into compartments for each letter (the "a," the "b", the "c," and the punctuation marks, etc.).

    Leaning at an angle on the bench and abutting the lower case/tray from behind, was a case/tray with the capital letters (the "A," the "B," the "C," etc.) separated into individual compartments for each letter.

    Thus, upper case and lower case letters.

  3. What? Live a little.
