Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Fun with Motorbikes



  1. When I was a kid being "punished" by days-long boring road trips (I was too young to appreciate them), I used to stare out the window at the world passing by and imagine doing exactly that, for thousands of miles. The sides of the road were infinitely more interesting than the road itself.

  2. As a senior citizen my hemorrhoids would prevent me from participating in this exhilarating ride.

  3. There used to be a place where there was a series of steps cut into a mountain about 8 to 10 foot high and maybe 25 feet apart. Doing jumps from one step to the other was some of the most fun I ever had. Anybody remember Little Mountain in socal?

  4. Up in South Dakota it is snowmobiles in the winter doing that

  5. Training video for the JUMP in the Great Escape.
