Monday, December 18, 2023




  1. Get those numbers up, those are rookie numbers.

  2. They and their churches are regularly attacked by the religion of peace.

    1. It is worse than that. Not only their churches are attacked but they are persecuted and discriminated against. The money from their taxes goes to fund muslim organizations but not their organizations.
      Copt christians live today the way all minority religions will live in the US if christian nationalist have their way here.

    2. they pick thru garbage, that's the work left them. "coptic" means "egyptian", greek "aegyptos". there is a coptic community in Jersey City, NJ. their church services are held in coptic, the egyptian language as spoken c.350 AD.

  3. "Copt christians live today the way all minority religions will live in the US if christian nationalist have their way here."

    You were doing well until you went off on some sort of imaginary story. No sense of our history AT ALL. Baby, meet bathwater.

  4. It is the new thing to shout to scare non-religious people about anything to the right of Mao. "Trump's a Dictator!" "Racist!" "Fascist!" "White Supremacist!" "Election Denier" "Evangelical Christians want to force their religion on you!" (It seems like they have Tourette Syndrome rather than well-reasoned political arguments. And yes, I do personally know people actually afflicted with Tourette Syndrome)
