Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Don't Slip



  1. Roll backwards to stand up, hope she has cleats.

  2. Why do I suspect some photo manipulation...

  3. Did Grand Canyon and was surprised how many people had no problems with doing this. Best thing was that the same people edge sitting would stand up and couldn’t even walk properly. They were either so old, disabled, or generally out shape they all limped or waddled like penguins.

    A) are 90% of all Americans physically unfit?
    B) i found it brave… maybe dumb is better word…for so unfit of people to get so close to a thousand meter drop.

  4. Whether this particular photo has been manipulated by software. Even ii this photo is 100% fake, the fact is people do this crazy stuff.

    Often we read of people falling off a cliff, or over a waterfall, or swinging from a bridge. Often they pay with their life. And horrified onlookers get a keepsake memory.
    But its not dangerous, they tell themselves and others.

    1. One powerful fart and she would be off into the abyss. It would be a long way down...she could probably learn a new foreign language before hitting bottom.

  5. I say "Do Slip".
    Darwin Award, and net gain for the species.
    Ideally, reaching for your dropped cell phone.

  6. My butthole puckered just looking at that picture!

  7. No photoshop. Thats Trolltunga in Norway.
