Monday, December 4, 2023

Dark Star - Lockheed Martin



  1. Actually, that'd be the Paramount/Skydance Darkstar.

    No one else has any such thing, real or imaginary, AFAAK.

    First guy to make a full-scale plywood mockup and park it somewhere out near Muroc Dry Lake will have more satellite interest than the swimming pool at the Playboy Mansion used to get.

  2. Just finished a "Tom Clancy" (ghost written of course) novel which posited a new version of the SR-71 with double the speed of the original. It was designed to do both recon and bombing using a kinetic kill weapon against a well known M.E. enemy who is "weeks away" from being able to field "the bomb". Interesting hypothesis on the weapon.


  3. 'Very pretty Colonel...but can it out run a Zircon?'

  4. Looks like a finished product that actually flies. I see some SR71 DNA in there along with bits of the SST that never got built. Only question is what is it good for? Too small to carry a large load of ordnance and too fast to be in a dogfight. Real time intel from 70,000 ft is rarely needed nowadays, so a black swan product that we the taxpayer buy a half dozen at astronomical price (Heh!)

    1. AI CGI is the shiz, man.

      Don't feel bad; I dated a girl once who thought the hover boards in Back To The Future II were real tech.

    2. While that picture is of the "aircraft" in "Top Gun: Maverick", there is probably a hypersonic reconnaissance aircraft in the works if not already operational. Satellites cannot provide immediate need reconnaissance, which aircraft can.

    3. You mean the hover boards aren't...

  5. Obviously BEFORE Pete "Maverick" Mitchell got his hands on it.

  6. Someone needs to get a whole lot of Inadvertent Disclosure and debriefing documents ready for this spill. And find the person who leaked this ASAFP!
    Unless there is a person who can borrow a "flashy-thing" from MIB, or have Agent Franks handle the situation...
    Wandering Neurons
