Tuesday, December 26, 2023




  1. I can tell you from 24,000 hours of experience that you can see these clouds from afar and tell yourself "Yeah, those are active, but we're above it, so we've got nothing to worry about."

    And very often you'd be wrong. Those clouds can grow faster than most planes can climb. By the time you get to them, they can be right at your altitude and then you're in the tops of these boiling clouds and everything that is inside them. Best to avoid them on the upwind side.

    1. Truth. You don't wanna be anywhere near that. Turn while you can.

  2. I can remember when life moved so slowly that I could lay back on the grass on a warm day and just watch them form.

    Now, that's the day I want to set the flux capacitor to return to.

  3. An aviation weather instructor told us that a thunderstorm could throw hail 40 miles.
