Tuesday, December 19, 2023

And then she snapped



  1. I did something like that once.

    I worked in the Sporting Goods department of a KMart (remember those?) during my last year of college. The department manager had gone on a wild binge and over-ordered all kinds of merchandise that we had no place to store. We had boxes of stuff piled up in the aisles because there was no room available in our storeroom.

    Anyway, as part of his over-ordering, he'd ordered about 40 150-pound weight lifting sets. They were delivered late in the afternoon on a Saturday....on the loading dock on the opposite side of the store. I had Sundays and Mondays off, and when I came back to work on Tuesday, he had left me a note saying that the store manager (his boss) wanted his dock cleared off and I was to move them back into our department (which, of course, had no place to put them).

    I got maybe 10 or 12 sets into this and I asked myself: "What am I doing? He left these things sit for 2 days and then wanted his minimum wage worker to do all this heavy lifting".

    So I told the other Sporting Goods clerk (a girl) that I was quitting and I clocked out and walked out. No 2-week notice, no phone call to the boss....just out the door and I was gone. I went down the street to a Target and started work there a day or 2 later.

  2. I didn't kick my boss but quit a couple jobs because they piled on the work while lazy guys did almost nothing for the same pay or more. Sometimes being dilgent doesn't pay.

  3. I love this. Not because I like bosses getting kicked in the face, but because I like clueless jerks getting wake up calls after they get knocked out.

  4. Smacked him down with her shoes. Different.

    1. I don't think we saw the same video.

  5. You agreed to work for whatever pay. Hard work, so what? You want to challenge my physical capabilities? Bring it. You can't hurt me.

  6. Come on boys and girls... this is staged, the fact that it was being filmed prior suggests that analysis. Did look like a genuine kick though...

  7. Question - would the guy even see the kick coming, or would all he see is the flying pantie shot?

  8. this just made my entire day. comments too, except for butt-hurt Anon 6:07.

    - Chi.
