Sunday, June 4, 2023

Pride cometh before....



  1. still trying to wrap my head around being proud solely because of sexual practices? Maybe its to alleviate the shame they feel.

  2. Pride goes before destruction, and folly before a fall [Psalm 16:18]…I echo Anon@6:46, it is exactly that…assuaging their guilt, whether recognized as such or not. It’s built into the DNA.

  3. Homos of ether gender (yes Virginia there are only 2 genders) suffer from low esteem and are insecure now more that when they were in the closet when I was in High School in the 1950s. But thanks to Social Media they've been energized and like the only High School kid in school who's daddy was wealthy enough, by hitting the lottery, to buy him a new Corvette they're gonna strut their stuff and shove their junk in the Hethro’s' faces.

  4. What's really astonishing is all the support they get from the local media. Every night the local news is siding with the perverts. It's past time to put them out of business but the democrats bought them off with a billion dollar pay off.

    1. If you know or meet a "newsperson" ask them what they get out of pushing sodomy.

    2. Continued paychecks.

  5. Why do they get June? They'd be less incline to caper around like idiots with everything hanging out in February.

  6. I never cared

    I believe more and more people are starting to feel the way I do.

    I never cared if you were “gay” or whatever acronym you chose to call yourself until you started wanting special privileges.

    I never cared what color your skin was until you started blaming me for your problems.

    I never cared about your political affiliation until you started to condemn me for mine.

    I never cared where you were from in this great Republic until you began condemning people based on where they were born and the history that makes them who they are.

    I have never cared if you were well off or poor because I’ve been both until you started calling me names for working hard to make a better life for myself.

    I’ve never cared if your beliefs are different than mine until you said my beliefs are wrong.

    I’ve never cared if you didn’t like guns until you tried to take my guns away.

    Now, I care!

  7. Pendulums swing and they swing just as far one direction as the other, meaning, very soon ,everyone not already hiding in their closets is gonna get frisbee’d offa some rooftops.
    Prediction, not threat FBI.

  8. The biggest mistake Trump made was not buying Greenland when he had the chance, now we have no place to EXILE these traitors, and we may just have to go with your plan.
