Monday, April 24, 2023

The size of a blue whale



  1. When I was a commercial fisherman, one trip I was in the crow's nest about 24' above the waterline. We came upon a Blue whale. From my vantage I had a good sight on the bow and transom of our vessel 95' in length.

    As the beast was abeam I looked forward and aft and again. I noted he extended forward our bow about 15' and astern about 10'.

    In any case, this single creature was well in length greater than our 95' length. It was a marvelous sight, especially as the seas were calm and water clear.

  2. sort of unbelievable an animal can be that big - just imagine of it could fly, and was carnivorous and was perpetually pissed off

  3. Good thing those creatures are mostly docile. Otherwise they'd need a bigger boat.

