Thursday, April 27, 2023

Like those fishy yoga pants. They match the "fish of color" she just caught, nearly.



  1. I know there's a joke to go along with that straight line...but I'll resist.

    1. surely you're not implying "and the smell too".?

  2. Large head, skinny body. Not healthy fish

  3. Tight dress should not be called "Yoga pants".
    Challenging the man's instincts may look exciting but is nothing yoga, a religion of nothingness - to attract the ignorant in the realm of demons.
    Is cognitive dissonance at its highest perfidious level of manipulation.

    1. aka MKUltra aka Pavlovs Dog aka " Let's Go Out to the Lobby and Get Ourselves a Snack " subliminal tune at the Drive In

    2. I think what Anonymous at 9:16 a.m. means, is, yoga as a practice is simply meant to encourage people to feel, one can hardly call it think, they are nothing, and that nothingness is the highest form of nirvana for practitioners of yoga, and as such is a high form of cognitive dissonance because man/woman are not nothing, they are created beings. I do appreciate, though, form fitting clothes on a shapely woman.

    3. I was going to say that anon0916 was correct, but then I had second thoughts, as it seems he may be trying to reference Arhatic Yoga. Yoga, as he says, is NOT a religion. It is used by practioners to expand your higher (soul) self and get in touch with the spiritual world.

    4. We are physical manifestations of the divine, brought into existence through our own self contraction and attraction to conditional existence. So long as we retain the self contraction, our consciousness will remain distracted from our native state of divine existence, despite being always a part of the infinite divine. Yoga and Eastern religions have a 5000+ year tradition and are not about a negation of the individual, but rather a means to rediscover the divine in everything and to enable followers to transcend conditional existence in this life and most importantly at death so as to step away from the cycle of birth and death and manifest existence and become permanently conscious of our divine nature. Indeed, such a scenario would mean the outshining of the illusion of individuated existence by the infinite and unfathomable divine.

    5. Pull your head out of your but, try that Yogi, said Boo Boo.

    6. @ Anonymous at 3:41 p.m. - Your explanation of yoga is simply a load of clap trap. The exception being that yes, humans are a physical manifestation of the divine, the divine being The Creator, God, as has been revealed to mankind through Scripture. One can either accept that God has come to man, Incarnation, and ask to be made new, or not.

    7. John Venlet will undoubtedly repeat the cycle upon his death.

  4. God to Adam " Now I'll never get the smell out "...try the veal...I'm here all week

  5. Appropriate camouflage

  6. the brown eye girl with the trout from a while back was much better in my view.

  7. None of you bozos can recognize a bull trout. Amazing.

  8. That's a mighty skinny brown trout.

  9. If it smells like fish, it's a tasty dish
    If it smells like cologne, leave it alone

    1. Shit, I haven't heard that for 30 years. My cousin Carla used to say that all the time!

  10. I'm thinking the one on the left requires bait that is much more expensive.

  11. Nevertheless, it might be fun to reel her in.
