Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Too Friendly



  1. 100% guarantee I would never get rammed by a Dolphin out of water even if I lived ten lifetimes.

  2. I had the 12-4 one night on Dolphin AGSS555, came topside to check lines when a dolphin from the "Spooks" area decided to visit! Scared the dog-squeeze outta me.

  3. I sat on the beach in Florida one time and watched a pod of dolphins beating the crap out of a shark. They rammed it so hard they lifted the whole shark out of the water and came back and kept hitting it over and over. Captive dolphins are not domesticated and the one in the picture could have put his snout right through the side of her skull if he felt like it.

  4. Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!

  5. Just wanted to lay his head in her lap. Can’t say that I blame him for that.
