Friday, April 28, 2023

This grapefruit sized hail fell in Waco, Texas



  1. Looks like someone emptied an ice tray into a plastic bag.

  2. There's a video of a bull running for cover.

  3. That’ll leave a mark…

  4. I caught just the edge of that storm.
    Got mostly marble sized hail at the house but local high school (a mile east) has major roof damage.
    More storms expected this afternoon

  5. Not unusual in this area of Texas. Had one that size come through my newly installed skylight back in '83, found it on my living room couch.

  6. Been through one of these years ago, it's mind-bending. Hailstones this size hitting the ground and forming mini-craters in the lawn. A couple in a Jeep took refuge on our veranda. We had a new cedar-shake roof at the time (Victorian house, steep roof pitches), and it was the only one that survived in the neighborhood. Almost completely undamaged, I was amazed.

  7. The biggest hail I have seen was in Afghanistan. It was 2" to 2.5" and caused a lot of damage to equipment and buildings. I was out jogging when it hit and used a port-a-potty as a shelter. The hail put several cracks in the roof.

  8. I live in Dallas. Had an old Ranger that got hit with 3-4" hail, look like someone took a sledgehammer to it.

  9. That'll dimple your hood.

  10. Yep, that’s TX for you - I have replaced my roof twice in 10 years.

  11. Hope we're not around for the end times when hailstones will be 75 pounds each.
