Saturday, April 22, 2023

Some Good News

 Due to a wet winter and record mountain snowpack, California will provide 100% of the water requested by cities and farms, marking the first time in nearly two decades. 

The office of California Governor Gavin Newsom released a statement Thursday that said, "State water contractors to 100% of requested supplies for 29 public water agencies that serve 27 million Californians." 

This is the highest water allocation since 2006, as state water officials rush to replenish groundwater and aquifers after years of drought. 


  1. Gavin will find some way to get it all dumped in the ocen.

  2. And all this water of course due to the hard work of governot nuisance.

  3. Mexifornia needs to finish the reservoirs that were planned back in the 50s / 60s. The population has doubled but they haven't increased the water supply by one drop.

  4. Oroville was at 98% of capacity and 118% of its historical average in June 2019 and nine out of twelve of the other major reservoirs in the state were at 92% capacity or better at that time, look it up. What should have been a 7 year supply was wasted, intentionally, to create the "years of drought". This was a carefully manufactured water emergency, and the State Water Board should be in prison. California water resources have been traditionally very poorly managed but what has happened over the past four years is criminal malfeasance on a massive scale.

    Make no mistake Commufornia, they will do it to you again. They will squander this in no time, then cry global warming.

  5. Read Cadillac Desert to learn the history of CA water. None of this is real news. I lived thru these same drought/news/doom/flood cycles in the '70's and '80's and here you still are with Calistoga water, Stag's Leap, and Harris beef 40 years later. Just more humans consuming it this decade. Weather isn't the problem, CA politics is the problem.

  6. The DESERT southwest does not have a water problem.
    They have a people problem,
    Too dang many of them for the available water supply.
    Take Vegas for instance.
    1950 metro area population .....35000.
    2023......... 2.9 million.
    Add in another half million of uncounted illegals to that.

    1. It's a DESERT!!! Even the indians wouldn't build permanent settlements there.

  7. State water officials rush to take credit for what the weather has done. Keep voting for Democrats and you'll get insulted again.
