Sunday, April 2, 2023

How many minks did they have to squeeze to get enough oil?



  1. Mink oil, from back in the days when you could walk into Sears to get outfitted for any task. It didn't matter if you needed a sharp looking suit to wear at work or rough and tough outdoor gear. It was on the shelf ready for you to enjoy.

    As far as squeezing the minks goes, maybe that's why the ones we see are so long. They have already been squeezed from their normal compact shape.

    1. Those were the same days that you could walk into a Monkey Wards store and buy a Western Field 12 gauge shotgun that had no serial number on it. No waiting period, no paperwork, except your receipt.


  2. Nothing more annoying than a squeaky mink.

  3. Save yourself the heartbreak of expensive boots with rotting stitching and use Sno-Seal. The animal fat based waterproofer producers will swear that their goose grease won't do that, but I had a pair of Vasques that say otherwise.

    1. From the Sno-Seal product description:
      In addition, animal fats weaken and rot leather. The tannery worked hard to remove the fats and preserve the leather, so it's hard to imagine why you'd put it back on.

      Sno-Seal will help you feel more comfortable in Gore-Tex® fabric lined boots because it allows the Gore-Tex® absorbed perspiration to escape out of the leather.

      Not only will Sno-Seal keep you warm and dry, it will also help you from getting tired. A typical leather boot can soak up to a pound of water. That means you lift an additional 2,212 lbs. to walk one mile. Sno-Seal keeps the whole boot dry, warm and light.

      Fascinating. I had no idea. Thanks for the recommendation.

  4. lard works just as well

  5. So the squeaky mink gets the grease?

  6. Ya don't squeeze 'em, ya gotta milk 'em.

  7. I still have two partially used cans of mink oil that must be 50 years old sitting underneath my container of Sno Seal. One is Cavalier brand the other is Kiwi brand. Yah, I'm a pack rat ;-)).


  8. How many Corinthian hides does it take to upholster a Chrysler Cordoba?
