Tuesday, September 20, 2022

You have been spotted



  1. Whatever you do, above all things, do not run. Or it's game on and the game is short. Just try me.....

  2. Have seen these around the neighborhood by myself and others. Fish and Game
    denies they are in the area. My eyes and game cameras don't lie!

  3. 20 years ago,west central illinois. guy kills a cougar that was harassing his cows. dang thing had a "collar" on. he hides the corpse. next day couple of feds show up. they took the guy and went right to the dead cat and said,,,"that aint a cougar and you didn't kill it, understand !?" they denied big cats being here also. too many trail cams and people saying otherwise.

  4. "I spotted a leopard once."
    "Don't be silly, dear. They come that way."
