Monday, September 19, 2022




  1. I saw somewhere that the epa requires all wood be 10% moisture or less and they can fine you if it's wetter. And stoves now have catalytic converters. Don't know if that's true. Used to cut and split 10-12 cords a year in CO.

    1. There was a woman in our county who must've considered it her life goal to ban all wood burning stoves, including BBQ grills. To say she hated - yes, hated - wood stoves is woefully understated.

      It turned out she was retired from the big city. She would spend hours driving around looking for the most egregious offender. Then she'd rat out to the government. She tried to press civil charges for harm to the environment.

      The newspaper printed her many letters. When the newspaper began to print letters mocking her, she changed tactics to now make it a health issue, saying she could hardly breath, yada yada.

      She would also drive out to harangue those who wrote letters mocking her. Someone found where she lived; a somewhat isolated home, over the hill, around a bend and far upwind from her nearest neighbor. They put all that in a letter the newspaper had published. Her efforts had become so onerous that the Sheriff threatened her arrest if she did not stop pestering them with her one trick pony.

  2. Wealth? Maybe. Warmth? Definitely.

  3. In NY seasoned firewood cannot be brought in from another state, and within the state can only be transported up to 50 miles from its origin.

    1. Reason #18,675,309 to leave NY.

    2. While there are many reasons to leave NYS, this has more to do with invasives.

  4. In the sense of to have is better than not having, there is wealth. But its all pine. Pine doesn't burn hot, burns quick, and makes a lot of creosote.

    I did trade a cord of pine for my first truck, so there is some value.
