Thursday, September 15, 2022

This is the Way



  1. No, this is the way of religious genocide. But then again, Islam may be the only way for white males to regain their place in our grievance culture's hierarchy.

    1. Wrong. Islam is Satan! Not adhering to the Creator's rules have caused this mess and adhering to His rules will bring us out of it.

    2. The photo has nothing to do with Islam. That looks to be an Orthodox Church they are in. Women wearing a head covering in Church is an ancient tradition. A man must remove his hat when entering a Church.

  2. No that is not the way! Throw away the dish rag and the 3 look like the right track.

    We need more muzzies like we need more BLM!

    1. Sorry "ge" but if you can't tell an Eastern Orthodox Church from a Mosque - you need to get out more.

  3. These folks are Orthodox Christian, not Moslems

  4. They are Ukrainian Orthodox Christians in Kiev.
    Look at the background. That's a church not a mosque.

  5. The power of bad assumptions......

  6. The fact that they are adhering to silly rules that are not found in the Bible is telling enough. They probably still wear face masks. [1 Cor 11:15 But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her for a covering]

    1. You're a WORLD CLASS moron.

    2. IF I had said something that stupid I would hide behind anonymous too.

  7. The fact that almost everyone above me in this thread is bickering is why the left is winning and will win. Shut you fing mouths about biblical interpretation and band together if you want to defeat the left. And educate yourself. The head coverings are the visible mark of conservative Catholic women. As in against bishops like Raica in Alabama who are pedo protectors. Against the trend in the church to go left. They Re your allies, asshole.

  8. Islam is NOT the way.

    1. How many Muslims do you know who have their children holding Icons?

    2. Quite a few. And Islam is NOT the way.

  9. They're NOT muslims you dorks. They are Eastern Orthodox. They may be Ukrainian, Russian, Serbian and even Greek. Most likely eastern Ukraine or Russian. But NOT muslim.

  10. Religious bickering. I'll have none of it.

  11. This picture is stunningly georgeous....the Way indeed.

  12. Well, they’re not Muslim. They look fine to me.

  13. Up until the cultural revolution of the late 1960s, it was common to see women wearing head scarves.
    It wasn't a sign of submission nor of mimicing middle eastern practices.

  14. Viewing the photo, prior to seeing any comments, my initial thought was, what a beautiful young family. The woman, and the girl, both beautiful, and exhibiting a modesty and respect for the Christian faith. I see the glory being given to The Creator in a loving Christian family. All who pointed out they are not Muslim are correct. I also would point out that The Messiah himself told the disciples, who were complaining to Him about other men spreading the gospel, who were not of "their group," that those other men, if they were spreading the gospel and healing in Jesus's name were on the same team. See Mark 9:38-41, or Luke 9:49-50.

  15. I don't care one way or the other about clothing restrictions or traditions that a religion adheres to. Orthodox Jews dress conservatively. The Amish do too. Does a hajib imply something that a Amish head covering does not?

    It is the tenets of the religion that we ought to be looking at....not the clothing.

    And yeah, I might be wrong, but I'm seeing this picture as some Eastern European Orthodox church.


  16. My guess is that they may be celebrating the daughter’s first holy communion, dressed the way she is in all white.

  17. What Mr. Venlet said. I recall Jesus saying "If they are not against us they are for us." I'd add that if we had only one religion we'd have only have a partial view, at least that's what I was taught. Muslims mostly deserve their bad rap but rest assured there are people of that faith who truly love the Lord. Finally, when Christians get a bad rap, they mostly deserve it too. "We have all fallen short of the glory of God."

  18. I think many of you are missing the most important point. So many organized religions sponsor, encourage or require the disenfranchisement of half of their population. Women are second class at best, chattel or property at the worst. The head covering that this young woman and her child are wearing indicate subservience. Not the way.

    1. Duh. Wrong. Not a Believer and for sure not Biblically astute.

    2. hey....WORLD CLASS moron....I'm a woman; a REAL one. I veil. It has changed my life in the most magnificent ways imaginable. It has NOTHING to do with being a "second class citizen" or "chattel", but does certainly have to do with submission....MY voluntary and enthusiastic submission to Jesus Christ. In the Book of Ruth, she goes to the threshing floor to give herself to Boaz; she takes his mantle and lifts it over her head, a gesture saying in essence, 'I take you for my lord, and I give myself completely to you...I place myself under your protection, and I give you my life'. THAT is the meaning of veiling in the Presence of God Almighty.

      In Catholicism (and Orthodoxy) the sacred is veiled...wrapped in Mystery. A woman (made to be in the model of the Mary; perfect disciple and mother of Christ, spouse of the Holy Spirit, and daughter of the Father), carries within her, life....a massive cooperation with God in the sacred mission of procreation. She is a sacred and beloved vessel. And the rejection of this mission as evinced by the left (especially the pro-aborts) is most clearly shown thru their rebellion against all things sacred and good...their inversion of Christ's sacred words of Consecration, "This is my Body (which is given up for you)", to the demonic 'this is MY body (and I will tear you apart within it for my convenience and desire!)' is the apt demonstration.

      Veiling (or other head-covering) for women is as ancient as the Church....and we've done it joyfully and gladly (until about 20 minutes ago when the dumb-asses started reinterpreting theology). You should read The Great Church Father, John Chrysostom's teaching on might open your eyes....then again, for someone who thinks he's his own Church father, that would be a difficult task.

      Quit being a dumb-ass.

  19. Speaking as a Catholic mom who wears a head covering while at church during Mass, it is absolutely not a requirement for anyone. My family also dresses nicely for church, which means modest dresses for the females and at least slacks & button-up shirts for the males. None of that is required, either; plenty of people show up in shorts and flip flops.

    The scarf has nothing to do with disenfranchisement, submission, dominance or power plays, we are simply trying to show respect for the Person to whom we owe everything. It is a personal choice, but I prefer wearing one because it adds a certain solemnity and seriousness to my state of mind. Frankly, I think the men have it rougher when they are expected to wear suits & ties, but what do I know?

  20. Look at photos from the 1920's and 30's - almost everyone wore a hat outside.

  21. I'm glad to see some sane female participation on this sight.

    1. You wanna read an UBER SANE female who is Aquinas level smart And both ecclesial and secular topics, with a whooole lotta 'saltiness' thrown in?
      Ann Barnhard

      Trust me on this.
      ....and you're welcome :)

  22. "Every man with a child has a loaded gun pointed at him, regardless of whether the woman chooses to use it or not." - Dr. Stephen Baskerville, Taken Into Custody.
