Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The dogs are worried about you



  1. They're wondering why that camera is in their empty food bowl.

  2. the view you see when you fell off "the rainbow bridge"

  3. don't drool. please don't drool.

  4. I do a 5K power walk around the neighborhood every morning and we have large lots with long fence lines. I am starting to form opinions about my neighbors based on the wide spectrum of behavior of their dogs when I walk by. There's this one German Shepard that comes out and just silently walks along his side of the fence with me. Just keeping an eye on his perimeter without raising a fuss. I'm thinking he's a good well trained dog. I also think I wouldn't want to be the guy who decided to tresspass in that yard! That dog seems more serious to me than the ones who bark their brains out when they see me every day.

  5. When I open my eyes after death, this is what I would LOVE to see.
