Sunday, September 4, 2022

Power company locks your smart thermostat at an uncomfy temp. Put a hand warmer in a plastic box around the thermostat. Problem solved.

Whose thermostat is "smart" now?



  1. In my office, we use a sandwich bag with hot or cold water over the thermostat.

  2. They used to turn the AC temp way up at work on the weekends, if we had to go in we would put a soldering iron underneath the thermostat.

  3. In pyhsics grad school in the winter in Montana the janitors would put a locking cage around the the thermostat set to just above freezing. They didn't know we had access to liquid nitrogen.

    1. Yeah, it was the janitors making that decision. Grad school? Really?

  4. When I was active duty military, I lived in base housing. The thermostats (heating) would only go up to 68 degrees and no hotter. I took all but 1 screw out that held it to the wall (was coiled spring type thermostat) and tilted it to make it as warm as I wished.....

  5. Put a table lamp about a foot below it. 50 watt bulb = 171*F... East Keith

  6. Awesome idea. I posted this in the Democrat Post, formerly known as Denver Post.

  7. Get rid of the smart thermostat. Go back to an old analog unit.

  8. The problem is everybody has smart devices connected to the internet. Get your shit off the web, I have a water heater and hvac that are wifi ready, and they can stay ready, because they sure as fuck won't be connected. No Alexis, no Seri.

  9. 1) Office t stats are often there for looks. The real one is usually in the ceiling tiles. I know, 'cause I used to install 'em just like that.

    2) Red wire to green for fan, to yellow for cooling. You're welcome.

  10. I like my web-enabled thermostat. I can work it from anywhere.
    But the first time that s.o.b. tries to tell me what I can or cannot do with it, it's coming right off its wifi connection.

  11. When I was stationed in Biloxi at the AF base my roommate had a Catholic shrine with a candle beneath the locked caged thermostat in the summer. In the winter we had a zip lock bag of Ice.

    1. I don't recall any AC when I was there in the triangle...roaches but no AC...

  12. The trick won't work as the thermostat isn't what the electric company controls. What they control is probably installed where the thermostat wires enter the compressor unit and is controlled by WiFi.

  13. Gives me a SchadenBoner.....allowing someone else to control things inside your home. I don't and never will have a WiFi connected thermostat. And I keep a couple of old fashioned ones on hand to replace mine if it croaks. Replacing a thermostat isn't rocket's only 4 or 5 low voltage wires.

  14. Fortunately, the recent problem reported in the news was for customers that signed up for an incentive program in greater Denver, and this was in the fine print. Read the fine print! Or better yet, steer clear of deals with The Powers That Be that sound too good to be true. We have smart thermostats, but I gave them a frontal-modem lobotomy.

    1. Thanks Aggie.
      I was wondering if there was some important detail left out of the story. Fine print indeed.

  15. The sheep will continue to comply and install their own shackles when told that doing so will make their lives easier.
    If you install one of these "smart" devices you are proving just how "dumb" you are.

  16. The children get in an uproar over the thermostat. lol
    First world problems....

  17. January 1968 Ft. Polk, La., we actually had snow and ice….first two weeks in the barracks we moved the thermostat with a paper clip thru the grill cage…still didn’t work…wasn’t until it really warmed up in early March that we discovered it was wired backwards…

  18. That brilliance probably came from one of the dumbass victims. Yes I know oxymoron.

  19. Freezing weather in winter at Ft. Dix N.J. for Basic Training. Put a damp washcloth over the thermostat cage. Evaporation cooled off the thermostat and we got toasty warm.
