Tuesday, September 13, 2022




  1. I will walk through one of these webs, while walking alongside my husband, who completely misses it! How do they do THAT?

  2. I just cleaned several webs off my back porch, that we hardly use. One was right across the opening for the sliding glass doors, another was at the top of the steps crossing from house to shop seven feet away and two were up high. All of them, feats of artistic engineering. Haven't been out that door in two weeks and the house cleaner is coming today and that's the door she uses.

    Link from busted knuckle.

    1. better git that dump cleaned up! Or you know what!

  3. Looks like all the Black Widows I find at my place. I thought the caption was gonna be, "yeah, I'm gonna mate with you then kill you."

  4. Every single morning in the summer when I walk out to the garage from the porch I walk through a web. WTF
    Spider: "Yeah, it hasn't worked yet. But if I catch him ... WE EAT FOR LIFE!"

  5. I'll walk through a doorway or gate to go do something. When I return 30 minutes later, there's a spider strand or two across it. I absolutely hate running into the #$%^& things.
